USCM’s champion legislation to strengthen American manufacturing and competitiveness

Washington, DC – Today is the second anniversary of President Biden signing into law the bipartisan CHIPS and Science Act of 2022, which will support 115,000 U.S. jobs in cities and spur more than $300 billion in public and private investment in 15 countries. The bill was supported by America’s mayors, with the US Conference of Mayors (USCM) sending a letter to congressional leadership urging its approval. To commemorate the law, Columbus (OH) Mayor Andrew Ginther, Conference presidentissued the following statement:

“This law has already changed the game, promising jobs and opportunity for many of America’s residents. We salute President Biden and members of both parties for making this a reality for America and its cities. Semiconductor computer chips power the modern economy, and thanks to this historic legislative achievement, they will increasingly power the economies of our cities here at home. In central Ohio, we know the impact of advanced manufacturing as Intel prepares to open its landmark chip factory in our region. Other cities are then, no doubt, guided and informed by the expertise of the new CHIPS Implementation Conference Task Force and its chair, Boise (ID) Mayor Lauren McLean. Her leadership has been commendable, helping mayors collaborate to sustainably scale the high-tech industry in their cities.

“When we work together, in a bipartisan way, we can make new things possible and great things happen for people. The success of this bipartisan legislation, which the Conference and its many chairmen relentlessly defended together, is proof. And working together, we will ensure that its implementation is effective, coordinated, sustainable and sustainable.”